Before bay a oxygen concentrator
Before you buy an Oxygen Concentrate or Generator?
In this article, we will discuss the instructions that must be considered before purchasing an oxygen generator and how to choose the right device for the patient.
More than a year has passed by the Corona epidemic, and the world is still confused, with bad results on the social, economic and psychological situation, and a restriction of freedoms to preserve lives.
What is a home oxygen
? generator
The oxygen device was invented to draw air from the surrounding atmosphere and then separate the air molecules from each other.
Air is a mixture of colorless, odorless and tasteless gases. It is a mixture of several gases, but it consists mainly of oxygen (21%) and nitrogen (78%).
After the device separates the gases, the internal cylinders, which contain special materials for gas separation, keep the oxygen and expel the nitrogen, then the device pumps the oxygen to the patient, and this is the journey of producing oxygen through the oxygen generator (Oxygen Generator) in short.
What information should be obtained befor
? purchasing an oxygen generator
It is important to stand at this point. You must obtain information about how much oxygen the patient needs per minute.
How much does the patient need from the
? amount of oxygen per minute
Information that must be obtained from the doctor, the doctor will determine the volume of oxygen per minute based on the disease that affected the respiratory system,
Crisis and asthma
lung infections
Lung fibrosis
Cancar of the lung
diaphragm damage
For many diseases, the doctor will tell you the appropriate size for your patient.
What is the difference between a 5 liter and
?10 liter oxygen generator
The difference in the amount of oxygen that the device emits per minute, and it is measured in liter.
How do I ensure that the oxygen device is
? good before buying
If you do not have experience with oxygen generation devices, this article was found to help you choose,
Unfortunately, during the Corona epidemic, oxygen generators entered the Jordanian market and their quality was very poor and did not achieve the desired goal.
Two things that you must look for before buying in any device
the first :
You have to pay attention to the percentage of oxygen purity that
The device generates it per minute. There are no devices that generate 100% oxygen at all in the world
The percentage must be within 94% - +3 degrees.
Suppose you need a 5 liter device that will measure the percentage of oxygen when the oxygen flow is set at the highest level, which is 5 liters, and measure the percentage of oxygen purity (Oxygen Purity)
Measuring the percentage of purity is through a special measuring device. Make sure to have the store check in front of you
The second :
You should consider the device’s output pressure for oxygen, because it affects the speed of the patient’s response to oxygen, and always choose the highest.
I personally had a person who came to the store and had bought a device two days before he came to the store from a Chinese company, but the device did not help his patient due to the weakness of the outlet and the patient was infected with the Corona virus, which prompted him to buy an American device from a well-known company to get an interest
Why this care in the examination and why not adopt what is written in the specifications of
? the producing company
I personally received new oxygen generators, and I was the first to open them, the Chinese source, from a company called Longfain, very, very bad. From the information available from the company, the device gave 93% +-3
But upon examination, it was found that the device does not reach the written level. The result on my device was 88-89%.
The result is bad and does not add to the patient if he needs at least a percentage of 90% or more, and the device will not be able to raise the percentage of saturation of the patient’s blood with oxygen.
How do I get information about the
? respirator
You should read the specifications of the device from the company's specification sheet
Tip: Buy from well-known international companies such as Airsep
, Philps, Devillepiss, Novo
The price is high compared to the Chinese devices, but it guarantees the recovery of your patient and his help. The situation in Jordan is bad in terms of money, but you have to make a better choice.
? Is it possible to rent an oxygen generator
If you do not have the money to buy a high quality 5 liter or 10 liter oxygen generator, rent the device until your patient recovers.
But before renting, ask the service provider to make sure of the oxygen purity, because the oxygen generating devices designated for rent require a lot of maintenance and examination due to their frequent use and the difference in the volume of use of the device from one person to another.
? How do I get information about the device
You should read the specifications of the device from the company (the specification sheet) also try to reach users of an oxygen generator through a post on Facebook to receive tips.
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